Municipal Services

Water Infrastructure

Myrnam water is currently obtained from ACE water corporation via a pipeline originating west of Edmonton. The water travels via an underground pipeline to the Water Treatment Plant on 46th street. Water is tested daily by trained personnel and analyzed weekly by Alberta Government laboratories. Of all the services provided by the municipality, safe drinking water for residents is the number one priority for the Village which is why the Village replaced its aging water reservoir in 2023.

Sewer Infrastructure

Myrnam water and sewer infrastructure were first installed in the mid-1950’s for most residents.  Wastewater is recirculated into the environment via a lagoon system located east of the Village. The lagoons are a key component of the infrastructure that returns wastewater into the environment after successfully dealing with impurities.  It is important for residents to understand the need to not introduce chemicals or other pollutants into the sewer system which are more difficult for nature to properly handle via a lagoon system. The local landfill can handle these properly.

Landfill Infrastructure

The regional landfill site, operated by the Two Hills Regional Waste Commission, is located about a kilometer north of Myrnam on Highway 881. The site is opened Saturday’s from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to utilize the transfer site for items not normally picked up during regular weekly garbage pickup. Items brought to the dump are sorted by type; Wood products, metal, and ordinary waste. Computers, electronics, tires, and oil-based products are handled in specific areas. Residents are asked to respect a three bag limit each week for regular pickup. You can help by ensuring all bags are tied, and not brought to the back alley early, avoiding crows or other animals who tend to pick through garbage.  Each spring community members schedule a day to pick up non-traditional items which are brought to the transfer site. By working together we can keep Myrnam clean.

Regular weekly garbage pickup days are Thursday mornings.  If there is a statutory holiday on the Thursday, garbage pickup will be on Friday morning, unless otherwise noted.  Please have garbage out by 8:30 a.m.

Complaints / Concerns / Service Requests

Do you have a complaint, concern, or request for service that you would like to send to the Village of Myrnam Office? You can either visit the Village Office during regular business hours to fill out a form or download it from this link and drop if off at the Village Office during regular business hours or through the mail slot outside of regular business hours, or email it to